30 DMC: Day 21

Day 21 - Favourite Album From the 70's Sometimes I wish I could've lived in the seventies. In my imagination that is the decade of freedom, love and rock'n'roll, sounds pretty rad and romantic at the same time, don't you think? And of course, that was the golden age of one of my favourite bands …

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30 DMC: Day 20

It's already the 20th day of the challenge, 10 more to go! Day 20 - Favourite Album From the 60's Do I know any album from the 60s..? Let me think. Mmm no. Or that was my first thought. But again Google was my friend with today's challenge, and I found a list of "The …

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30 DMC: Day 16

Day 16 - Album You've Listened to Most in Your Life This one I’ll try to keep really short, since my internet connection isn't the best possible at the moment. But regarding today’s question, what could be the album that I’ve listened to most in my life? There’s probably three options: Moonspell - Darkness & …

Continue reading 30 DMC: Day 16

30 DMC: Day 14

Day 14 - Album title that describes your personality The last two days of this challenge have been quite difficult and this doesn't do any exception. I instantly came up with a song title that describes my personality - Led Zeppelin's "Communication Breakdown". What a great song it is! And how lousy speaker am I! Writing my thoughts …

Continue reading 30 DMC: Day 14